Dec 21, 2017 | News, Skillpoint Alliance
Austin, TX (December 21, 2017) From Mitch Holt, Board Chair, Skillpoint Alliance: This year has been one of growth and transition for Skillpoint Alliance. Over the past eighteen months, we have looked internally, meticulously discerning who we are as an organization,...
Dec 8, 2017 | Empower, Workforce
The Digital Divide in Central Texas is disallowing individuals from advancing in their careers, or even gaining meaningful employment due to their lack of simple computer skills. For Skillpoint Alliance, creating the Empower program was a way to reach the Austin...
Dec 1, 2017 | Gateway, Skillpoint Alliance, Workforce
Job hunting can be daunting at times, but once you get the position, it may be even harder to start off on the right foot. At Skillpoint our participants receive both hands-on training and soft skills (or professional development) practice to ensure they are...