Oct 23, 2013 | Skillpoint Alliance, Workforce
Workforce Solutions Capital Area celebrated their 5th Annual Awards Luncheon by recognizing businesses and individuals for their achievements in professional development. Three of the five individual awardees to receive special recognition were graduates of the...
Jul 23, 2013 | News, Workforce
Last Tuesday, the Adult Workforce Council invited veteran advocacy groups, community partners and employers from across central Texas to participate in a panel about how our community can better address the employment barriers of military veterans. All veterans...
May 12, 2013 | Soft Skills, Workforce
Organizing, prioritizing and multi-tasking are crucial for the small business owner or company employee balancing multiple deadlines. Knowing that it will help to be more organized and actually getting more organized are two different things, however. Here are some...
Feb 11, 2013 | News, Workforce
We know we are a little late to the game on this one, but we need to share it. A recent USA Today article “Construction Industry Faces Worker Shortage” makes the perfect platform for explaining why workforce development matters: 2.2 million= the number of jobs the...