Welcome, Make It students and everyone!
Skillpoint Alliance is here to help you start a career in manufacturing and the skilled trades.
Here’s what we offer: Free, Fast Training; Direct Connection to Jobs & Careers; and Professional Development.
We know that each individual has a different set of needs, interests, abilities, and goals. And we want to help you find a pathway that works for you. Please enter your name and contact info below, and someone from the Skillpoint team will reach out to discuss your next steps.
You can also click the following links to learn more about our FREE training programs:
– Advanced Manufacturing (CPT) Training Program
– Pre-Apprentice Electrical Training Program
– Pre-Apprentice Plumbing Training Program
– HVAC Technician Training Program
Feel free to poke around on our website to learn more about us. You can also Apply for free training right now if you know that’s what you want. Just click the Apply Now button above. Whatever your goals, we look forward to helping you Make It!