Jun 8, 2015 | Skillpoint Alliance
At Skillpoint Alliance, our people are our most valuable asset. With the passion and drive of our staff, Board of Directors, and partners, Skillpoint Alliance is able to offer the opportunity of growth and success to more and more Central Texans each year. Today is...
Apr 2, 2015 | Skillpoint Alliance
Giving City Austin was able to interview our very own Lonny Stern about his conference experience this year. A million reasons why nonprofits should invest in attending SXSW were shared and how they can prepare to make the most of it. SXSW is valuable opportunity for...
Feb 17, 2015 | Skillpoint Alliance
We are proud to announce that Lonny Stern, Senior Director of Business Development at Skillpoint Alliance, has received the Austin Under 40 Award in the Community Service & Non-profit category in the 17th annual Austin Under 40 gala and awards ceremony....
Nov 20, 2014 | Events, News, Skillpoint Alliance, Soft Skills, STEM, Workforce
The Gateway Rapid Workforce Training Program at Skillpoint Alliance provides valuable training and education for Texans looking to gain the skills and knowledge to successfully attain entry-level employment. In just four to eight weeks, participants who enroll in the...
Sep 22, 2014 | Skillpoint Alliance
Skillpoint Alliance hosted their 20th Anniversary Human Capital Honors luncheon on September 16, 2014 at the Gateway Motor Club. The Inaugural event congratulated those who have worked with Skillpoint Alliance to carry out its mission of sustaining industry-led...
Aug 28, 2014 | Events, News
Skillpoint Alliance is proud to announce that they have been awarded the Blackbaud & Entreprenuers Foundation Non-Profit Award by the Austin Chamber of Commerce. The official announcement was made last night at the 2014 Greater Austin Business Awards, and our...
Jun 5, 2014 | Skillpoint Alliance, Soft Skills, Workforce
The US Army has a saying, “train as you fight.” I learned this saying while training a group of US Army Veterans in Killeen, TX. The group was taking an eight week intensive Gateway training in order to secure work in the civilian world as Electrical Apprentices. My...
Jan 3, 2014 | Skillpoint Alliance
Last month, Lifeworks partnered with Skillpoint Alliance’s Professional Development department to provide 60 hours of Workforce Readiness training courses for youth between the ages of 18-21. Classes were provided to train participants entry level job skills including...
Dec 18, 2013 | Events, Skillpoint Alliance
On Thursday, December 17, the STEM Council and Adult Workforce Council at Skillpoint Alliance cohosted their year-end meeting at Electronic Art’s offices in North Austin. After the scheduled expert panels and presentations, Skillpoint Alliance awarded leaders in...
Nov 25, 2013 | Skillpoint Alliance
On Friday, November 22, the Skillpoint Alliance Gateway program held their first graduation in Killeen, Texas after partnering with the Fort Hood Warrior Transition Brigade to provide transitioning veterans with Certified Nurses Aide training. We were recently...